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Iron girder Domestic production

What is the purpose of a girder?Domestic demand for iron girder

Beam is one of the final steel products and one of the most important building materials in the construction of steel frame structures. Beams are used as columns to hold various loads on the structure. In addition to being used in building structures, beams are also used in various other projects. In recent years, the price of iron and its durability have made the use of steel sections very popular in most industries. According to the international standard, steel beams are made of ST37, ST44 and ST52. Iran is currently self-sufficient in beam production has the largest beam production line in the Middle East. For more information about Iron girder Domestic production, visit our site.

Iron girder Domestic production

What is the purpose of a girder?

What is the purpose of a girder? Types of beams in terms of standard According to the standard, beams are divided into the following 4 categories: > Beam INP This beam is produced in accordance with Chinese and Russian standards and at a height of 80 to 600 mm. It is similar in appearance to the English letter I, and its wing thickness decreases with distance from the beam. IPE beam This type of beam is produced according to the Iranian and European standards with a height of 80 to 600 mm and an I-shaped appearance. The thickness of the wings of this beam is constant. This type of beam is the most popular type of beam in our country. IPE beams are used in the building in the form of columns, trusses, gate horseshoes, beams in covering roofs and nesting stairs.

IPB beams The wide beam is made at a height of 100 to 1000 mm and is in the shape of the English letter H. This beam has better resistance than IPE and INP models and the beams are connected easily on it. Because the size of its beam wing is equal to its height, its simple cross section is used to make the column. Other applications include the construction of beams and trusses. This type of beam is also used in the bridge, tower, dam and similar industries that require high strength. You can track its market prices daily on online store sites. > CPE beam This type of beam is known as a honeycomb beam because of its appearance. These beams have hollow spaces that resemble beehives throughout their lives.

The use of this type of beam in seismic areas without bracing is not recommended. Types of beams in terms of weight Beams are divided into the following two categories based on their weight: > Light Beam (L) > Heavy Beam (V) The V sign indicates that the beam is heavy and the L mark indicates that the beam is light. For example, IPBV would represent heavy beams and IPBL would represent light beams. Advantages of using beams in structures The use of beams in construction is very common today, which owes this to its many advantages: > Possibility of developing the structure after its completion > Connecting several pieces in the structure > Possibility to use beams at heights Existence of necessary prefabricated parts and components in the market .Beams used for columns are used vertically. For more information about types of girders, visit our site.

Domestic demand for iron girder

Domestic demand for iron girder Domestic demand for iron girder is growing well and our company offers this product to the market at a good price so you can For more information about iron girder bridge, visit our site.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

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