Iron briquette For sale

The iron and steel industry is one of the industries that has widely used briquetting technology, such as coal briquetting, coke briquetting and sponge iron briquetting. For information about iron briquette Visit our collection’s website.
Iron briquette chemical composition
Sponge iron briquettes are products used in many steelmaking units around the world. The process of sponge iron briquetting is divided into two groups, cold and hot briquetting, according to the temperature of the sponge iron entering the briquetting machine. In the following, these two processes will be examined.
1- Cold briquetting
In the cold briquetting process, the input material enters the briquetting machine at ambient temperature. In this process, depending on the type of material entering the machine, two types of products are known, which are sponge iron soft briquettes and cold iron and carbon briquettes (CBIC).
1-1- Sponge iron soft briquettes
In the steel industry, like any other industry, the optimal use of by-products has a special place. Sponge iron is usually produced in direct regeneration units, but due to its small size (less than 6 mm), its direct charge to the steel furnace reduces production efficiency and increases losses. Thus, sponge iron softener briquettes and its product called “sponge iron softener briquettes (CBI)” are used as a common solution for optimal use of direct regeneration unit by-products.
For information about granulated pig iron Visit our collection’s website.
Purchasing top-grade iron briquette on the market
Because the production volume of sponge iron softener is limited in the direct reduction unit (less than 10% of the production volume of the direct reduction unit), the capacity of the briquetting unit is also limited and this material is usually used in steelmaking units adjacent to the direct reduction unit. . In other words, due to limited production and less desirable properties than other members of the sponge iron family, this product has never been considered as a commercial product in global markets.
– Cold sponge iron briquettes
A significant number of the world’s direct regeneration units produce cold sponge iron (CDRI). The intrinsic properties of sponge iron, such as its high specific surface area, low resistance to oxidation and abrasion, as well as poor mechanical properties, have made the storage and transportation process of this product always associated with risks and challenges, so that the International Maritime Organization (IMO) It has set strict rules in this regard. That’s why storing and transporting sponge iron is so costly and risky.
Today, Iran is known as one of the largest producers of sponge iron in the world. Since almost all active direct regeneration units in the country produce cold sponge iron, most of them have had problems in storing and transporting their sponge iron.
Thus, recognizing this problem and also the imbalance of production capacity of direct regeneration and active steelmaking units in the country in different seasons of the year, Tadbir Sanat Asia Company seeks to provide a solution for the country to get out of this problem and enter the global markets of sponge iron, briquettes. Cold iron and carbon (CBIC) was invented as a new product in the sponge iron industry.
CBIC is a product that is produced in the briquetting process from cold sponge iron and is known as a commodity that can be stored and transported in the direct regeneration industry due to its inherent properties, such as high density and mechanical strength and acceptable chemical stability.
For information about iron metallics You can visit our collection’s website.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
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