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Hot briquetted iron for sale in 2021

Reasons for popularity of hot briquetted ironPurchase hot briquetted iron in bulk

Hot Sponge Iron (HBI) Briquette is a product that is produced in the Hot Sponge Iron (HDRI) process at temperatures over 650 degrees Celsius. This type of briquettes is the most famous product for easy and safe transportation of sponge iron all over the world. Among the properties of the hot spongy iron briquette, facilitating its transportation, one can note a low specific surface area, high density and mechanical strength, as well as the desired resistance to oxidation. For more information about the sale of hot briquetted iron in 2021, you can visit our website.

Hot briquetted iron for sale in 2021

Reasons for popularity of hot briquetted iron

Reasons for popularity of hot briquetted iron This type of briquettes is the most famous product for easy and safe transportation of sponge iron all over the world. The properties of the hot sponge iron briquette that facilitate its transportation include low specific surface area, high density and mechanical strength, and optimum oxidation resistance. Sponge iron briquettes in the world Today Iran, along with India and China, is one of the world’s largest producers of sponge iron, on which the production of sponge iron briquettes depends. Thus, it is possible to understand the existing investment opportunities for the production of sponge iron briquettes in Iran.

In the field of steel making, briquetting is also developing rapidly, and the advantages of briquetting and briquetting are increasing the number of industries using this technology. The properties of the hot briquette that make it easier to transport include low specific surface area, high density and mechanical strength, and optimal oxidation resistance. The use of cold cast iron briquette in the steel industry of the country Scrap of alternative charge in induction and arc furnaces Reducing coke consumption and improving the quality of the loaded metal in blast furnaces.

Replacing scrap in a steelmaking converter as a cooling agent Alloy steel production with very low carbon and impurity content Hot sponge iron briquettes are very important for multiple use. The hot sponge iron briquette production system is such that producers can obtain valuable products with little energy consumption. Since reducing energy consumption when using hot briquettes is an important issue from the point of view of owners, briquettes will not be ignored. Another important problem with the use of briquettes is that the bulk of the briquettes are used in the steel industry.

To extract them, tree pruning is used. Sponge briquettes also play an important role in the food industry, including food preparation. The main reason for naming briquettes is related to their appearance, the large volume of briquettes and their puffy shape will also be an advantage over the reason. For more information about hot briquetted iron wholesalers visit our website.

Purchase hot briquetted iron in bulk

Purchase hot briquetted iron in bulk hot briquetted iron price has been affected by the extensive changes that have taken place in the major world currencies and this product has also faced price fluctuations, so you, dear buyers, can By visiting our official website, Purchase hot briquetted iron in bulk.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

phone icon Phone number: 04133660491

phone icon Phone number: 09120169267

whatsApp icon WhatsApp Response (Skype): click

instagram icon Instagram: simurgh_steel_company@

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instagram icon Facebook: ironore110@

instagram icon LinkedIn: simurgh-iron-and-steel-company-a68295180@

instagram icon twitter: CoSimurgh@