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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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High grade steel slabs Focal suppliers

How is steel slab calculated?Focal suppliers of High grade steel slabs

These days we can see thousands of steel products on the market, each with its own characteristics, features and applications, but High grade steel slabs is one of the most widely used steel products. High grade steel slabs are produced and marketed in various types. Steel slabs are divided according to the type of alloy and each has different properties. The type of alloy used in the production of steel slabs is another determining factor in how to use High grade steel slabs.

High grade steel slabs Focal suppliers

How is steel slab calculated?

How is steel slab calculated? steel slabs are made from a combination of iron and chrome alloys. The use of chromium metal in the production of steel slabs has made steel slabs have anti-corrosion properties. There are different types of steel slabs that can be used in different industries. The most important factor in the thickness and dimensions of steel slabs is the type of use of steel slabs. Steel slabs are produced in specific and standard thicknesses and steel slabs from 0.2 to 40 mm thickness are available in the market. steel slab size:

  • 1000 * 2000
  • 1250 * 2500
  • 1500 * 3000
  • 1500 * 6000
  • 2000 * 6000 mm

Steel slabs are among the best materials for building structures and tools that require anti-oxidation properties. The only difference between steel slabs is their thickness. One of the features of steel slabs is their recyclability. This product has special mechanical advantages compared to other steel products, and this feature of steel slabs has become a reason to use this product in various industries.

Focal suppliers of High grade steel slabs

Focal suppliers of High grade steel slabs The weight of steel slabs is a function of the weight of iron. The following formula can be used to calculate the weight of steel slabs:

Density of steel slabs * Thickness * Width * Length = Weight of steel slabs

Steel slabs, as the most common stainless steel, have many applications in industry. You may not have noticed that many of the objects we use during the day are made of steel slabs. Steel slabs have high tensile strength and durability and have an exceptional appearance. Therefore, steel slabs are very suitable for the production of food storage containers. Steel slabs can be used to make kitchen appliances, grills, dishwashers, autoclaves and stoves. Steel slabs have many applications for various industrial fields. Cases of steel slabs used in different industries:

  • Construction of car, aircraft and truck fuselages
  • Construction of elevator body, cover and roof
  • Storage tanks
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Electrical enclosures
  • Containers used for chemical processes
  • Conveyor
  • Architecture and construction
  • Marine parts and equipment

The highest use of steel slabs is in the construction industry. Steel slabs have different prices depending on the thickness and alloy used in them. One of the factors that causes the price variation of steel sheets is the wide range of thickness of production sheets.The stainlessness of steel slabs is the most important factor in the high demand for this product.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

phone icon Phone number: 04133660491

phone icon Phone number: 09120169267

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instagram icon Instagram: simurgh_steel_company@

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instagram icon Facebook: ironore110@

instagram icon LinkedIn: simurgh-iron-and-steel-company-a68295180@

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