High grade steel billet to export

You can find steel billet sales agents all over the country by searching the internet and reputable sites, or ask knowledgeable people who specialize in buying and selling this product, and ask the best agencies that sell goods with Find the quality they offer. It should be noted that if you find an online sales agent and you want to buy steel billet in person, first make sure the site is valid and reliable. You can buy high grade steel billet from this site.
Reasons for popularity of steel billet
Steel billets are mainly known for their properties such as corrosion resistance and rust. Corrosion resistance and other properties such as resistance are due to the presence of alloying elements in these steels. Among the alloying elements in stainless steel is chromium, which in addition to this element, the elements of nickel, molybdenum, etc. are also present in the chemical composition of different grades.
The type and amount of alloying elements change the properties. Magnetic capacity and corrosion resistance are two examples of these properties. For example, 430 steel sheet (steel sheet), which does not contain nickel, has a ferrite structure and is magnetic.
While austenitic steels such as 304 steel sheet (non-stainless steel sheet) have non-magnetic properties with austenite structure have non-magnetic properties. steel billet is a steel that has more than 10.5% chromium content as well as various other elements in lesser amounts. Chromium, when combined with oxygen, forms thin, viscous layers of chromium oxide.
This oxide layer is known as the passive layer and increases corrosion resistance. Stainless steel performs much better than anodized aluminum. If the passive layer is destroyed, the material and surface are more exposed to damage.
The specifications of High grade steel billet
steel billet is one of the most practical types of ingots in the world. Steel billet is produced in different grades, including 3sp and 5sp. 3sp billet is considered flexible. Therefore, industries where structural steel and its components require more flexibility, and must be flexible in terms of mechanical properties, such as torsion, bending, and tensile strength, use 3sp billet. 5sp steel billet does not have the flexibility of 3sp, and 5sp is mostly used when our structure is not subject to force and pressure, and is almost stable.
The price of a 3sp billet is more expensive than a 5sp. Steel billet is a middle rolled steel product with a cross section of less than 225 square centimeters. To products with a cross section greater than 225 cm. It is called ingots. types of billets can be purchased from this site. large steel billets are sold by this center.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh
Ways of communication: Phone number: 02147623014
Phone number: 04133660491
Phone number: 09120169267
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email: info@simurghsteelco.com
email: ironore110@gmail.com
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