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High grade steel billet Domestic production

What is difference between ingot and billet?Domestic production of High grade steel billet

Rebar, wire, corner and stud and shield (fabric), seamless pipe and mannequin, etc. Steel ingots are used in the production and manufacture of profiles. Steel ingot (Steel Ignot) is a prefabricated product in robust and non-portable dimensions known as the most important commodity in steel chain. Visit our site for more information about High grade steel billet Domestic production.

High grade steel billet Domestic production

What is difference between ingot and billet?

What is difference between ingot and billet? A steel ingot, a rectangular piece with a trapezoidal cross section, up to 2 meters long. As mentioned, steel ingot is the most important steel section; Because other important and widely used industrial steel profiles such as rebar and angle iron are produced by manufacturing and polishing steel ingots. The chemical and physical structures of ingots are different from each other and there are different types on the market. These steel products come in different grades, including 3SP-5SP (Russian standard), St37-St52 (German DIN standard). One of the features that cause variation in different types of steel ingots is the mechanical properties of the ingots. In general, the flexibility, bending, stress and quantity of the different elements found in the specified steel alloys cause changes in the use of steel ingots.

Ingots: Ingots are generally produced in trapezoidal cross-section, so manual molding facilitates demolding and handling.

Billet: Billet or billet is produced by the ccm method and has a tall and square or circular cross section. This product is used directly in the production of materials such as rebar and wire. Ingots that are generally less than 15 cm wide and have a cross-sectional area of ​​less than 230 cm2 are called logs and above this value are called flowers. These steel ingots are common in Iran, and 100, 120, 125, 130, 150 and 160 ingots are considered billets. Bloom: Another name for blooming is ingots or fabric ingots. This product is basically an ingot cut from the edge of the slab, or the entire slab is cut into ingots.

As mentioned, if the logs are wider than 15 cm and the cross section of the log is more than 230 cm2, and also 180 * 180, 200 * 200, 250 * 250 ingots will fit into the blooming category. Bloom rail is used in the manufacture and production of canisters and beams.

Slabs: Slabs or plates are rectangular ingots 230 mm thick and 1.25 m wide and 12 m long and have a different appearance from other ingots. Floor shrinkage joints should intersect in column openings and column openings. This method is called Direct reduction in the original language. This method is made using natural gas fuel in regenerative furnaces in Iran.

The output of this furnace is sponge iron, which is generally used as briquette. In this method, scrap and spent iron are usually discharged into an electric arc furnace. In the next steps, they take samples to melt the steel, blow oxygen, homogenize and analyze it. After the molten steel is obtained, it is transported to the casting section with the help of a crucible, where the copper is placed in a mold. In this method, the water is cooled by spraying on the feet and then the frozen ingot is cut in special dimensions. For more information on the steel billet trade, visit our site.

Domestic production of High grade steel billet

Domestic production of High grade steel billet Domestic production of High grade steel billet is done by our company and we deliver this product to the customer at a good price. Therefore, for more information about steel billet price, visit our site.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

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