High grade iron mill scale Wholesale Supplier

The sale of High grade iron mill scale and hematite in alloy 54 to 63% and with the size of grains 10 to 30 mm for use in the furnace, tall done. The sale of iron ore hunk, which is a granulated iron ore of coarse size, is done for the use of a high furnace.
How do you find the iron mill scale?
The furnaces used in melting and steelmaking include high-rise furnace, arc furnace and induction furnace. The sale of iron ore hunk to the steelmaking unit, which has a high furnace for melting and regeneration, is done. Units that use arc and induction furnaces can not directly use the iron ore hunk. Because this product has a high impurity and is not suitable for charging in a high furnace.
The cordless material of these steelmaking units, i.e. units that have an induction furnace or an arc, is melting waste and sponge iron. Sponge iron is made from concentrated iron ore in the form of iron concentrate. After converting iron concentrate to pelletizing, iron ore pelletizing even the direct reclamation process is located and the high-grade sponge iron creates. This product is suitable for use in induction and arc furnaces.
In the sale of iron ore for export, and the amount of its supply in the markets of the world. in addition to domestic needs, should be considered to steelmakers internal faced with a problem. if at the same time have to manage with the correct supply of the injury export markets obtained, etc. to prevent. Sales of iron ore exported and steel products in the last five years, with the coming of the eleventh and the liberalization of the export of iron ore and steel products, etc. grown substantially and to the chairman of the board iron ore grew by more than 22 percent have experienced.
Wholesale Supplier of High grade iron mill scale
Iron ore is the primary requirement of internal mill scale density units. Pay attention to the need of domestic manufacturing units is a requirement in order to support production and employment. At the same time, exports are the most important source of currency for a country. It is difficult to create export markets and maintain them despite the many competitors in the market. Fortunately, Iran has been successful in selling iron ore and is now one of the exporters of this product in the Middle East.
mill scale composition of the inside, with proper management on the supply side due to the need steelmakers internal and Maine, require them to issue export pay attention to export markets to Das to come for iron products and sections of steel to not lose sight of. Shrek, commercial iron and Steel Phoenix is ready to sell and supply all kinds of iron products and sections of steel in the domestic market and also supply fob Bandar Abbas, export orientation, etc. can be.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh
Ways of communication: Phone number: 02147623014
Phone number: 04133660491
Phone number: 09120169267
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email: info@simurghsteelco.com
email: ironore110@gmail.com
Facebook: ironore110@
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