Direct-reduced iron processes

In order to produce iron, impurities such as oxygen must be removed from the iron ore by chemical reduction. There are different ways to produce direct-reduced iron. Most of this production is done by the high furnace process. In a high furnace, iron ore, along with coke, enters the furnace as a reducing agent after processes and is released as carbon molten iron, which is eventually converted to steel in the converter.
What is direct-reduced iron used for?
The process of direct-reduced iron over the last few decades is one of the most important processes in the production of iron. About 75% of the world’s sponge iron is produced by Midrex and HYL. Today, most steel production in the world is dedicated to two methods of blast furnace-converter and direct regeneration-electric smelting, the second method is significantly developing.
The process of steel production based on direct regeneration – electric melting includes two stages of production of sponge iron and then its conversion into steel in the arc furnace. In the direct reduction method, iron oxide particles are reduced to 750 to 900 C in contact with reducing gases, including H2, CO, and CH4, and are converted to sponge iron. Sponge iron usually contains more than 90% of iron as a metal, which has a strong tendency to combine with oxygen.
Direct-reduced iron processing method
The industries based on the production of direct-reduced iron and steel are among the comprehensive and infrastructural industries of the countries. Due to the problems of traditional iron production processes and methods, as well as in order to optimize industrial processes, in recent decades, new methods in this industry have received a lot of attention. One of these methods is direct recovery processes. In the process of direct regeneration with coal during a set of heterogeneous solid-gas chemical reactions are regenerated. During these reactions, iron oxides are reduced during several stages from hematite to magnetite, from magnetite to vestige, and finally from vestige to iron. what is reduced iron formula? how much is direct reduced iron prices?
Although steel production dates back to 4,000 years ago and to the Iron Age, the modern era of the steel industry began in the late 1850s, and since then, steel has become an important part of the world’s industrial economy. Today, iron and steel production is one of the most fundamental pillars of any country’s economic and industrial activities. Many major industries, such as transportation, construction, machinery, mining, and other energy-related industries, are dependent on the steel industry. Therefore, the improvement and development of this industry is of special importance in the field of economic development in countries.
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