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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

Complete the below form for consulting.

direct reduced iron market prices

What is direct reduced iron used for?direct reduced iron prices on sale

Ironmongery is an integral part of construction as well as the production of metal products in industry. The importance of irons is so great that we have prepared an article for you entitled Types of irons and their applications, so it is better to stay with us. Ironworks are widely used as building foundations or in the production of metal products and are divided into different types. One of the most basic building profiles that we need to provide you with is iron beams. Hence, direct reduced iron prices have been on the market for some time, causing construction to grow further.

direct reduced iron market prices

What is direct reduced iron used for?

What is direct reduced iron used for?

Beam is one of the building materials whose discovery dates back to the twentieth century. Beam has been widely used in construction since the twentieth century, and all countries have used this versatile metal to build many construction projects. Beams are divided into three different categories according to the standard defined for it.

The beam with IPE‌ standard is one of the beams approved in Europe and Iran, INP beam is one of the beams approved by China and Russia, and also IPB beam is one of the wide-beam beams that are widely used throughout The world has.

Most people are familiar with beams with a cross section similar to the English letter H, and it is interesting to know that in industry this type of beams is surprising. But be aware that there is another because it has a cross section similar to the letter I in English.

In our country, Iran, there are several factories that work in the field of iron production and even export this product to other countries.

They are produced in various forms, each of which has a variety of applications in industry, from construction to massive structures such as tanks and aircraft.

Types of hardware include: profiles, beams, rebars, sheets, angles and studs, pipes, ingots and scrap! By knowing each of these products, one can comment on their applications. For more information about sponge iron prices today, you customers can visit our site.

direct reduced iron prices on sale

direct reduced iron prices on sale

As iron became known, and in order to fix defects such as its brittleness in its pure state, other elements were gradually added to it to form iron alloys. Therefore, iron was developed in the form of steel and cast iron, and today the share of steel in various industries is over 90%. In the meantime, different forms of iron have been able to respond to a variety of applications. On the other hand, direct reduction iron process ppt has been created in various forms that have many applications in various industries, including construction; So that the biggest customers of this product are builders and by reducing the price of this product, they can have more growth in construction.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

phone icon Phone number: 04133660491

phone icon Phone number: 09120169267

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instagram icon Instagram: simurgh_steel_company@

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instagram icon Facebook: ironore110@

instagram icon LinkedIn: simurgh-iron-and-steel-company-a68295180@

instagram icon twitter: CoSimurgh@