briquetted iron manufacturer on market

briquetted iron manufacturer has been able to capture a wide range of the market by offering quality and cheap products.Briquette is the same as sponge iron or DRI. With the difference that at the time of production, it is compactly formed, in the process of hot briquetting, the input materials enter the briquetting machine at high temperature and the product is produced.
What is hot briquetted iron?
Hot Sponge Iron Briquette (HBI) is a product that is produced in the process of hot iron foam briquetting (HDRI) at a temperature of more than 650 degrees Celsius. This type of briquette is the most well-known product for easy and safe transportation of sponge iron worldwide. Among the properties of hot sponge iron briquette that facilitate its transportation are low specific surface area, high density and mechanical strength and optimal resistance to oxidation.
The advantages of heat briquettes are:
- No need for pellets
- Ability to recycle metal wastes such as pellets
- Ability to adjust the carbon content of the product from 0.02 to 10
- Metal grade above 96%
- Density higher than 4.5 grams per cubic centimeter
- High ease of transfer and storage due to inactivity of the product
- Product quality uniformity due to no drop in metal grade
Among the properties of hot briquette that facilitate its transportation are low specific surface area, high density and mechanical strength and optimal resistance to oxidation.
- Applications of cold iron briquette in the country’s steel industry
- Alternative scrap charging in induction and arc furnaces
- Reduce coke consumption and increase the quality of metal load in blast furnaces
- Scrap replacement in steel converter as cooling agent
- Production of alloy steel due to very low carbon and impurities
briquetted iron best manufacturer in the world
Iran is the second country to produce briquettes in the world, which has been able to occupy a part of the market by producing quality products. Production and use of sponge iron in Iran first occurred in 1389 in those years when there was still no shortage of scrap iron for the production of crude iron, the production of this material due to the possibility of reducing the efficiency of crude iron production furnaces and public belief It was thought that this material was not suitable for induction furnaces, so no one used it. This material was used in Iran by a factory for induction furnaces in Yazd in 1989, and subsequently other factories also used this material. brought. However, the use of this iron was initially associated with negative reactions because the presence of phosphorus and sulfur in Direct Reduced Iron disturbed its melting analysis compared to scrap and prolonged the melting time. Also, factories were not familiar with its charging method. It was getting harder. hot briquetted iron price determined by market fluctuations and rising currencies and the dollar
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh
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Phone number: 04133660491
Phone number: 09120169267
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