Steel blooms wholesale price in 2021

Ingots are one of the most important steel profiles used in the manufacturing process of other products. Rebar as an important product in industry and construction is produced from different types of blocks. Visit our site for more information on steel blooms wholesale.
What is the difference between ingot and bloom?
Ingot is the most important raw material in the steel chain and the middle rolling products. This product is used to produce product, such as rebar, beam, wire, etc. Ingots differ in chemical and physical structure and have different types.
- Types of blocks:
1- Ingots: Ingots are produced in the form of trapezoids. They have a size of 2 meters, which this product easy to transport. - 2 – Billets: billets or blocks are used directly from production to consumption to produce materials rebar and wire. The rod is longer than the rod and is round or square with a width of less than 15 cm and a less than 230 cm2.
- 3- Bloom: Bloom or rod is very similar to a rod. If the diameter rod is more than 230 and the width is more than 15, it is called a bloom. In fact, the bloom rod is a rod cut from the side of the plate. Bloom is used to cans and beams.
- 4- plates: plates have a different appearance, rectangular. It has a thickness of 230 mm and a width of 1.25 m and a length of 12 m. Plates or plates are used to make steel plates.
The amount of carbon in the rod determines the softness and elasticity different types of steel rod. More than 90% of the iron ore is smelted in the traditional blast furnace method. Iron ore is poured into a blast furnace with lime and boiling and lumping.
Iron is converted into molten steel in a converter and the impurities, such are separated by oxygen. The molten steel is transferred ladle and transferred to a casting unit. In the casting unit, the material is poured into the placed on a roll and cooled by water. After cooling, the steel blocks are desired. Scrap metal is transferred to the furnace with a special basket.
Then sponge iron with slag such as lime, coke and the furnace from above. Then it samples, blows oxygen, homogenizes and it to turn the materials in the furnace into molten steel. The molten mixture is carried to the foundry with a ladle, a tandem container and placed in a copper mold. They put the container on the rollers and cool it by sprinkling water and cut the frozen bar into special dimensions.Visit our site for more information on price for steel blooms.
Bulk price of steel blooms in 2021
Bulk price of steel blooms in 2021 is accompanied by changes and fluctuates because the price of global currencies has affected the final price of this product, so you can Get the necessary information about the price and stainless steel blooms by visiting our site.
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