Scrap iron per kilo price in recent years

Iron has a high production volume among metals; It is cheaper in price than and has the highest impurity value. Iron is often used in a variety of industries such as construction, buildings, machinery, equipment, appliances and automobiles, and finally, materials are available in these industries. Iron and steel scrap is a good raw material for the production of ferrous products. Mass production of iron and steel has led need for scrap metal processing industry from secondary sources in the 12th century and this industry continues. The classification of scrap is determined quality of the iron in it. Visit our site for more information on scrap iron per kilo.
What is scrap iron?
The chemical properties of scrap depend directly on the type of production and the the steel, which contains a number of useful and harmful elements. Scrap metal can contain metals such as copper, tin, zinc and non-metals phosphorus and sulfur. These elements reduce the quality of steel. Therefore, types of scrap, especially those with the above elements, should be inspected and separated, therefore, the scrap consumption for loading furnaces is different depending on the type of steel being produced.
This makes the chemical composition of scrap important for the fabrication of structural alloy and specialty steels. Scrap application method Scrap metal is often used all over the world for recycling and reuse in production lines. Currently, in developed addition to pure and accurate classification and separation, it is pulverized and packaged and sold with the additives needed in the parts manufacturers. In Iran, as in theis used for melting in furnaces. In the foundry industry, it is used to make cast iron products from induction furnaces, the temperature of to 1450 ° C, and in the steel industry, electric arc furnaces are used, which exhibit temperatures up to 1950 ° C to 2000 ° C. C. Traditional castings also use rotary kilns over a ton.
First, pressed scrap, which consists of thin plates, is loaded furnace, and since this type of scrap melts faster, press scrap is used to charge the furnace and about a third of the furnace, and after melting this scrap it is thicker scrap or transported by scrap sellers, heavy load into the furnace, which, by melting in the furnace, melts this type of scrap in a shorter time.
After chemical and mechanical tests, the laboratory reports the results to the so that the melt analysis is carried out exactly according to the standard. In this case, scrap waste has become a standard product and in all respects comparable to a new product made from blocks or sponge iron. Visit our site for more information scrap iron prices.
What is the price of scrap iron per kg?
For an accurate answer to this question, you can refer to our site, but it can be said that due to the fluctuations in the market, the price of this product is also subject to change, so for more information about scrap iron rate, you can refer to our site.
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