Hot rolled steel Wholesale Supplier

Hot rolled steel generally has simpler steps than cold rolled steel. In hot rolling processes, the thickness of the entry metal is slightly reduced. The process is done in such a way that the two rollers rotate in opposite directions and the input metal goes to the roller bed with a rail directed towards the rollers, and as a result, the length of the metal increases and its thickness decreases. . Visit our site for more information on hot rolled steel Wholesale Supplier.
Which is more expensive hot rolled or cold rolled steel?
As the name suggests, hot rolled steel is hot rolled at relatively high temperatures of about 926 ° C. This high temperature causes the steel to deform easily. Hot rolled steel is generally of lower quality than cold rolled steel. The reason is obvious, cold rolled steel has several additional steps compared to hot rolling. The beauty and smooth surface of cold rolling is another characteristic of cold rolling, but hot rolling is usually black. Temperature is the most important parameter of hot rolled steel that needs to be controlled.
It should be noted that, as in the figure above, all parts of the part must reach the desired temperature and the temperature of all parts must be the same. For example, if the piece in question is not heated evenly, its dimensions will not change properly when deformed by the rolling mill. Another point to be considered is that the temperature of the piece remains at the desired temperature until the roller is applied.
Temperature control in these conditions is not easy. To solve this problem, a hot rolling machine is often used with casting. In this case, the desired part is hot rolled immediately after casting. For alloyed and low carbon steels the part is usually heated to 1200 ° C. Hot rolling usually takes place 50 to 100 degrees above the recrystallization temperature to prevent stress hardening of the part. All steps and equipment that the rolling mill should have are described below. The preheating furnace is one of the equipment needed in hot rolled steel mills where semi-finished steel parts move on a conveyor.
These furnaces should be such that when the ingot moves from the head of the furnace, the furnace finally reaches the desired temperature. The ejector is another component responsible for removing the parts from the furnace when the part reaches the desired temperature. The cooling line is another step. This part cools the final hot rolled sheet under the desired conditions. The parts are also polished after rolling, where several small rollers use the radiator to control the dimensions.
In addition, one of the other important points is the microstructure obtained from each of the processes. In the cold rolling process, the direction of the grains changes due to the cold process performed on the piece. However, in hot rolling, the grains stay in the same direction due to preheating. For more information on hot rolled steel process, visit our site.
Wholesale Supplier of hot rolled steel
Wholesale Supplier of hot rolled steel at a reasonable price by our company all over the country and the quality of this product is so high that it has attracted foreign customers. Therefore, you can visit our site for more information about hot rolled steel sections.
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