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Azerbaijan Simurgh Mining & Industrial Complex invite you for buy the best iron and steel.

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Bulk iron concentrate types for sale

What is iron concentrate?Buy iron concentrate types in bulk

Bulk iron concentrate types are sold in two parts. Selling iron concentrate to pelletizing units active in the domestic market and selling it to export iron concentrate to the market of other countries. Iron concentrate is not sold directly to smelting and steelmaking units due to its inability to be used in the smelting process. The fineness and powdery form of iron concentrate makes it unusable in the furnace for smelting. Therefore, it needs another processing step to agglomerate. This processing is done under the name of pelletizing. In fact, the most important consumers of iron concentrate are pelletizing units.

Bulk iron concentrate types for sale

What is iron concentrate?

What is iron concentrate? After crushing and grinding, iron undergoes a concentrating and refining process. Therefore, the product of this stage is iron with fine granulation but low impurity percentage. Often the purity of iron concentrate is in the range of 65 to 69 percent. The iron concentrate obtained As mentioned above, under the pelletizing process, it is converted into iron pellets with a similar percentage of purity but larger size, which can be used in smelting units equipped with blast furnaces and converters.

The price of iron concentrate may be Under the influence of global markets, especially the markets of countries such as China, which is very effective in this area, fluctuate. We often see different price fluctuations for different iron concentrate types sale. Definitely changing the demand for different grades of iron concentrate will affect this issue. Chinese steelmakers, for example, have welcomed high-grade iron concentrate due to restrictions imposed by air pollution mitigation laws.

This issue had an impact on the purchase demand and therefore the rate of increase in the price of high-grade iron concentrate. To receive the price of Bandar Abbas FOB iron concentrate for grades 65 to 67% in an updated form, please talk to us through the following communication channels.

Buy iron concentrate types in bulk

Buy iron concentrate types in bulk Iron concentrate has been Asia on which the upgrading process has been done. As you know, ores extracted from mines can not be used directly due to their high percentage of impurities and due to the presence of some compounds, structure and of course size. Therefore, after extraction, they are subjected to mineralization process. During the iron ore mining process, crushing and concentrating are performed on the product.

One of the products obtained from the processing of crude iron is iron concentrate. After crushing and grinding, iron is subjected to refining processes, which can include physical, magnetic, and flotation phases. The resulting concentrate often has a grade of 65 to 69 percent. Iranian export iron concentrate is supplied in 65, 66 and 67% grade. Obviously, iron concentrate types price 67 will be higher than iron concentrate 65 and 66 due to its higher grade.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

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instagram icon Instagram: simurgh_steel_company@

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instagram icon Facebook: ironore110@

instagram icon LinkedIn: simurgh-iron-and-steel-company-a68295180@

instagram icon twitter: CoSimurgh@