Steel slabs Wholesale price in 2020

This product with world quality has caused us to witness the preparation and manufacture of various steel products with different applications and special brand names in the field of steel. In Iran, various sectors producing steel products are active and to continue their activities, they need to maintain their relationship with the producers of this product and meet their needs. For more information about Steel slabs Wholesale price in 2020, visit our site.
How are steel slabs made?
Slabs as a rectangular steel product have a width between 650 mm to a maximum of 2000 mm, a thickness of 200 to 250 mm and a variable length of 4 to 12 meters.
The production size of this product depends on the application. The highest production rate of this product has a thickness of 230 mm, a width of 1250 mm (one meter and 25 cm) and a length of 12 meters.
Billets and slabs are the brand of 22 steel products that are used in the manufacture of various types of sections and steel products. Slabs are used to make a variety of flat steel products such as sheets, plates and coils, as well as in the heavy machinery industry. Due to the announced standard dimensions, the thickness of this steel sheet is very small, so that it may cause problems when cutting and it is necessary to use machines with high features for cutting.
The induction furnace method has a high cost due to the use of electricity, electrodes and additives. On the other hand, there are two problems in these furnaces that have caused them not to be used in Iranian steelmaking.
The first problem is that the induction furnace can not control oxygen well and this causes defects in the product, because due to the dissolved oxygen hookah in the molten oxidation of the ferroalloy occurs. The second problem with this method is the desulfurization and desulfurization of the induction furnace.
Although in the world, the blast furnace method is used to produce crude steel and slabs, but for several reasons, the use of electric furnace method in Iran is justified that Khuzestan steel arc furnaces are among the valuable kilns in the field of slab production.
With the advent of the steam engine and the elimination of the power gap, rolling racks became larger again, and very high-power motors, 1,500 horsepower, were used for heavy rolling of steel ingots. Engines and rolling racks have evolved so rapidly that rolling products, especially steels, have become the most important products in the world. For many products, rolling methods replaced other metal forming methods, such as forging and casting.
Along with rolling racks, other parts of rolling mills, such as smelting furnaces, casting machines for preparing primary ingots, preheating furnaces for heating ingots, displacement lines, acid baths, heat treatment furnaces , Electroplating baths, packaging machines, etc. also took their evolutionary steps. Today, with the advancement of technology, all kinds of metal products, especially steel products, are produced by rolling. The most important feature of rolling processes is their production speed, so that a large volume of metal products are produced by this method. The first goal of rolling processes is to reduce the cross-sectional area or thickness of the workpiece. This can be done in the form of hot rolling, cold rolling or a combination of the two. The choice of method depends on the type, size, properties of the material and the final shape of the product. The variety of shapes and sizes of rolling products requires that rolling processes be used in different ways, for example, longitudinal rolling, transverse rolling, section rolling, etc. can be mentioned. For more information about steel slab for kitchen, visit our site.
Bulk price of steel slabs in 2020
steel slab design is done in three steps. Production of primary slabs in continuous casting unit, reducing the thickness and width of slabs to a large extent in hot rolling unit and turning slabs into sheets with a thickness of 1 to 7 mm and if necessary in the third stage of cold rolling of sheets produced in hot rolling In order to achieve sheets with much less thickness and higher surface quality. For more information about Bulk price of steel slabs in 2020, visit our site.
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