Steel slabs affordable prices in 2020

The slab market in the world is a bit limited and about 2 million tons of manufactured slabs are traded annually. In our country, Hormozgan steel plant is known for the production of slabs, which regularly exports this product to Southeast Asian countries such as Taiwan, Thailand, and India, but according to published statistics, the export of Iranian slabs even to European countries. And Brazil is done. For more information about Steel slabs affordable prices in 2020, visit our site.
How heavy are steel slabs?
There is no simple definition for metal. But any chemical element that has metallic properties is classified in the class of metals. Common properties of metals include metallic luster, high heat transfer, electrical conductivity, and permanent ductility at room temperature. Chemical elements that do not have the general properties of metals are classified in the non-metallic class. Limited elements are known as quasi-metals and metals. They are classified, sometimes showing properties such as metals and sometimes properties such as non-metals. Some of these quasi-metals are carbon, phosphorus, silica and sulfur.
At the same time, Iran, considering its existing steel potentials, is always planning to reach more export markets, and Mobarakeh Steel has been a pioneer in planning in this field to produce various products with high technologies.
On the other hand, the acquisition of high technologies for the production of various steel products is in fact a privilege that can improve the position of our country in meeting the needs of middle industries to produce the equipment and products needed in addition to a larger share of global markets.
The behavior of steel changes at different temperatures and may change from soft to brittle, and for testing and grading slabs, the final strength, percentage of length, percentage of minimum impact energy and test temperature (negative temperature, zero degree and high temperature) must be determined. Be evaluated, tested and controlled.
Slabs are a subset of steel products, produced in semi-finished form (intermediate rolled steel products), which must be processed in one or more other steps in order to be converted into the final product.
Also, regarding the differences between this steel piece and billets, ingots and blooms, it should be said that the slabs differ from these products only in the dimensions and shape of the cross section. Slabs have a cross-sectional area that is not square, unlike bloom and billet, but rectangular in shape and is usually about 200 mm thick. In addition, the slab has a width of about 650 meters and a length of about 12 meters. For more information about steel slabs for sale, visit our site.
Reasonable prices for steel slabs
After setting and preparing the standard chemical reaction in steelmaking units, the materials are melted and finally this melting and chemical analysis that is determined is transferred to the casting, which at this stage is the output of the slab and can continue the process. Depending on its application, it can be charged hot or cooled with water while maintaining chemical analysis. For more information about steel slab prices, visit our site.
You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
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