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dri sludge prices at wholesale

what is dri sludge used for?dri sludge prices on sales market

as well as the industrialization of cities and the presence of microbial and chemical contaminants, parasite eggs, elements and Potentially toxic organic and inorganic compounds, etc. in the sludge, as well as its indiscriminate use, cause increasing pollution of surface and groundwater and soil and are placed in the food chain and human pollution. In any case, to ensure the removal of these contaminants, it is necessary to determine the properties of the sludge before use. For more information about dri sludge prices at wholesale , you can visit our website.

dri sludge prices at wholesale

what is dri sludge used for?

what is dri sludge used for?

Based on this, at first, the consumed dry sludge was analyzed in terms of available crystal phases and chemical composition using xrd and xrf methods, respectively. The results of these analyzes indicated the presence of more than 50% of silica (sio2) in the crystalline phase of quartz in the sludge. Also, the presence of more than 20% organic matter in this material reinforced the idea that these materials reduce the quality of concrete.

Therefore, the heating process up to 650 ° C was designed for the initial dry sludge. The results of xrd analysis of the cooked sludge showed changes in the crystalline phases. Due to the occurrence of crystalline changes in this material, there was a possibility of pozzolanic activity (reactivity in the cement medium) which was performed to detect sta analysis.

The results of this analysis indicated that the pozzolanic activity of the baked sludge was inactive. To investigate the effect of dry sludge on concrete properties, two mixing schemes based on water to cement ratio of 0.45 and 0.55 were considered and values ​​of zero, 5, 10, 20 and 30% of dry sludge were used.

To investigate the effect of sludge on concrete performance, compressive strength test was considered as a characteristic of durability and treated specimens (three replications) during 3, 7, 28 and 90 days were examined. The results showed that 90-day concrete samples containing 5% sludge, a reduction of about 4%, samples containing 10% sludge, a reduction of about 8% and samples containing 20% ​​sludge reduced the compressive strength by about 22% compared to the control sample (without sludge ) Will have.

 Since the volume of concrete consumption in the country is very high and due to the very low reduction of compressive strength due to the addition of small amounts of sludge, the authors of this article, while considering the need to study other effects of adding sludge to concrete, use sewage sludge as stone Recommended in amounts less than 10% in conventional concretes such as floor concrete. Therefore, dri sludge wholesale delivers this product to customers at a cheap price.

dri sludge prices on sales market

dri sludge prices on sales market

Since various applications of dry sludge were mentioned, dri sludge prices on sales market are very affordable and convenient. You can refer to the website of our production collection to buy this product and place an order for this product. If you want to get useful information in this field, talk to our experts.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

Sales consultant: Ms. Leila Nematzadeh

Ways of communication:

phone icon Phone number: 02147623014

phone icon Phone number: 04133660491

phone icon Phone number: 09120169267

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instagram icon Instagram: simurgh_steel_company@

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instagram icon Facebook: ironore110@

instagram icon LinkedIn: simurgh-iron-and-steel-company-a68295180@

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