Iron ore in nigeria mining locattion

Iron ore is a metal element and covers about 5% of the earth’s crust. By extracting raw iron ore from iron mines, a dark silver-brown powder is obtained. iron ore in nigeria is one of the best ores in the world and it is obtained from various location of coal in nigeria. Iron metal is extracted from iron ore by a chemical operation.
What are the usages of iron ore in nigeria
what are the usages of iron ore? many customers may ask this question.
Iron ore is a kind of raw material for steel production, and 98% of the world’s iron ore is used to produce steel.
The automotive and construction industries are the main consumers of steel, and as a result, the demand for steel in these sectors affects the demand and price of iron ore.
Iron ore has been extracted from various mines from ancient times to the present time and has been used in many cases. This stone is a valuable mineral that has many minerals. The most widely used minerals in this product are hematite and magnetite.
Today, iron and steel are one of the most fundamental economic and industrial foundations of any country, due to the urgent need for human beings to advance their goals in life.
Given the efficiency of these materials, we can point to their constructive role, because in addition to their usage in construction, plastics, etc., these materials are one of the key elements in the automotive, kite and locomotive industries and to The titles of the different types of alloys are based on advanced technology.
The usage of iron ore is innumerable in many works and constructions due to its high strength and availability and cheaper price. as you know, iron ore price is lower than other similar minerals and i is economically viable.
Iron is used in the manufacture of all kinds of light and heavy machinery, ships, railways, bridges, dams, construction, war supplies, home appliances and factories. In steel mills, iron ore is mixed with coke and limestone and then melted.
Limestone lowers the melting point of iron ore and creates oxygen with carbon dioxide gas. Melted iron, which contains 3 to 4% carbon, is used for a variety of purposes.
Where to mine iron ore in nigeria?
Iron ore is currently mined in 48 countries including China, Nigeria, Brazil, Australia, Russia and India. these countries produce 70 percent of the world’s iron ore and are the the world’s top six iron producers.
you should know that The major iron ore mines discovered in nigeria are divided into magmatic, metamorphic, tropical, tropical, sedimentary, and metamorphic and it is recommended to mine iron from these places.
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